
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Verkauf der US-Videoplattform Hulu gestoppt

Verkauf der US-Videoplattform Hulu gestoppt New York (dpa) - Der Verkauf der US-Videoplattform Hulu ist nach monatelangen Verhandlungen abgeblasen worden. Die Eigentümer, unter denen die Medienriesen News Corp. und Disney sind, beschlossen, den Dienst doch selbst weiterzuführen. ... Verkauf der US-Videoplattform Hulu gestoppt

Kuwait royal family member sentenced to death a

Kuwait royal family member sentenced to death a Kuwait, a local court on the 13th shooting of members of the Kuwaiti royal family ruling, 谢赫费萨尔 • • Abdullah Al-Sabah royal family members shot and killed another convicted, sentenced to death. According to local media reports, the decision will be submitted to the Kuwaiti Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court for consideration. Death sentence is subject to the Emir of Kuwait (State) • Sheikh Ahmad Al-Sabah approval before implementation. ...Kuwait royal family member sentenced to death a

京多家银行上浮首贷利率 购房门槛再提高

京多家银行上浮首贷利率 购房门槛再提高 个人房贷的门槛再次提高。记者上午从多家银行获悉,受信贷额度吃紧的影响,继对二套房贷利率上调后,京城多家银行的首套房贷利率在基准利率基础上普遍上浮5%至10%。 "最近房贷额度的确紧张,排队的人很多。"建行一家支 ... 京多家银行上浮首贷利率 购房门槛再提高

日出の女児不明:事件から1カ月 事件続き、住民不安 /大分

日出の女児不明:事件から1カ月 事件続き、住民不安 /大分 日出町川崎の会社員、江本昌道さん(34)の長女、琴音ちゃん(2歳)が行方不明になって13日で1カ月。同町では高齢夫婦殺人、主婦行方不明と事件が相次いでいる。県警は「場所が近いだけで、関連性は皆無」というが、未解決事件の続出に住民も不安を隠せない。 ...日出の女児不明:事件から1カ月 事件続き、住民不安 /大分

Saturday 15 October sanwoohoe hike plan

Saturday 15 October sanwoohoe hike plan Saturday the 15th sanwoohoe the Burnaby Mountain Trail has been changed from the Belcarra Park. After the day hike to the wild party to the bone soup. Guidance jisehan neulsan website ( 'Outdoors' column refer. Saturday in Vancouver, the first hike sanwoohoeneun ...Saturday 15 October sanwoohoe hike plan


DTSとアウディが高音質体感イベントでコラボ dts Japanは、10月14~16日までの間、東京渋谷区の「Audi Forum Tokyo」にて、ホームシアターなどが視聴できる「DTS Surround Groove with AUDI」を展開している。最大11.1ch対応の最先端サラウンド再生技術「DTS Neo:X」などが体験できる。 ... DTSとアウディが高音質体感イベントでコラボ

Power to postpone the dismissal issue fake deputy chief saga primary branch

Power to postpone the dismissal issue fake deputy chief saga primary branch Let me issue of Electric Power, Nuclear Power and Deputy General instructed subordinates to discard house documents, two officers of the branch lengths create a note that talks with Saga Saga Gov. Yasushi Furukawa beginning of the mail was fake about 13 summarizes the proposed disposal is not a dismissal or transfer, OK. 14th extraordinary ...Power to postpone the dismissal issue fake deputy chief saga primary branch

"No les creo a las FARC": Germán Vargas Lleras

"No les creo a las FARC": Germán Vargas Lleras CONFLICTOAsí respondió el ministro del Interior Germán Vargas Lleras al comunicado del estado mayor del frente 10 de las FARC que dice que no es responsable del secuestro de Nohora Valentina Muñoz, hija del alcalde de Fortul (Arauca). ... "No les creo a las FARC": Germán Vargas Lleras

Next year, the unit should pay serious illness health insurance for workers

Next year, the unit should pay serious illness health insurance for workers Nanchang News newspaper noble, reporter Wang Huan reports: Starting next year, the employer health insurance for workers to pay a serious illness. 13, the reporter learned from the Jiangxi Provincial People's Insurance Department, to reduce the burden of medical expenses the insured workers serious illness, the province introduced the "catastrophic medical insurance for urban workers in Jiangxi Province Interim Measures" (hereinafter ...Next year, the unit should pay serious illness health insurance for workers

Presidente de Chile promulga ley que crea ministerio de Desarrollo Social

Presidente de Chile promulga ley que crea ministerio de Desarrollo Social El presidente chileno Sebastián Piñera, promulgó hoy la ley que crea el Ministerio de Desarrollo Social, cuyo objetivo principal es la superación de la pobreza en esta nación austral de 17 millones de habitantes. "Este logro significa una inmensa ... Presidente de Chile promulga ley que crea ministerio de Desarrollo Social

Homenajean “a los 33 de Atacama” al cumplirse un año del “milagroso rescate"

Homenajean COPIAPÓ (EFE).— Los "mineros de Atacama" recibieron hoy un emotivo homenaje en el campamento "Esperanza", en el desierto chileno de Atacama, al cumplirse un año de la exitosa operación de rescate que logró salvarles la vida después de permanecer 70 ... Homenajean "a los 33 de Atacama" al cumplirse un año del "milagroso rescate"

Regression of safe-haven buying of gold precious metals ended lower after-hours U.S. 14.10

Regression of safe-haven buying of gold precious metals ended lower after-hours U.S. 14.10 As the slowing safe-haven buying, gold futures fell Thursday, after a 1.3 percent rise yesterday, there is some profit-taking investors, the dollar rose gold and other commodities also pressure. New York, December gold fell $ 14.10, or 0.8 percent, to close at $ 1,668.50 an ounce. Analysts said the resumption of the traditional gold and the dollar was on the reverse of the trend and hence stock prices. ...Regression of safe-haven buying of gold precious metals ended lower after-hours U.S. 14.10

Fujimori é hospitalizado depois de queda na prisão

Fujimori é hospitalizado depois de queda na prisão LIMA (PERU) - O ex-presidente do Peru Alberto Fujimori foi internado de emergência nesta quinta-feira (13) depois de sofrer uma queda em seu alojamento na prisão onde cumpre uma pena de 25 anos por violações aos direitos humanos e corrupção, ... Fujimori é hospitalizado depois de queda na prisão

《看民調》馬英九、蔡英文優勢選區 版塊大挪移!

《看民調》馬英九、蔡英文優勢選區 版塊大挪移! NOWnews《今日新聞網》公布2012年總統大選最新民意調查結果,若進一步從基本變項交叉分析來觀察,在三人爭霸的局面下,馬、蔡兩人的優勢區域出現變化,這次調查馬、蔡兩人在中部的支持度極為接近,而原本馬英九優勢的新北市,與蔡英文優勢的高屏澎地區,兩人支持度則明顯 ... 《看民調》馬英九、蔡英文優勢選區 版塊大挪移!

British police charged: "Harry Potter" child star who petrol bombs in London riot

British police charged: "Harry Potter" child star who petrol bombs in London riot According to the British "Daily Telegraph" 12 reported that in the movie "Harry Potter" playing "chubby" Vincent ‧ carat (Vincent Crabbe) British actor Jamie Weller (Jamie Waylett), recently accused by the police suspected of involvement in riots in London in August, the police also discovered that he holds a petrol bomb. Jamie Weller is accused of charges including violent crime, receiving stolen goods and holding petrol bombs, and so on ...British police charged: "Harry Potter" child star who petrol bombs in London riot

Януковичу не подобається «пасивне» впровадження його реформ

Януковичу не подобається «пасивне» впровадження його реформ Президент України Віктор ЯНУКОВИЧ вимагає від влади Хмельницької області активніше працювати над впровадженням у регіоні реформ. Як повідомляє прес-служба глави держави, про це він сказав під час наради з адміністративно-господарським активом у ... Януковичу не подобається «пасивне» впровадження його реформ

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