
Friday, November 11, 2011

Italian austerity moves welcomed

Italian austerity moves welcomed The approval of austerity measures by the Italian parliament - sparking the resignation of Silvio Berlusconi - has been hailed as a "welcome step" towards resolving the eurozone debt crisis by the Treasury. Mr Berlusconi stepped down once the package ... Italian austerity moves welcomed

Penn State loses last home game amid child sex abuse scandal

Penn State loses last home game amid child sex abuse scandal By the CNN Wire Staff University Park, Pennsylvania (CNN) -- Tens of thousands packed Penn State's football stadium Saturday, cheering the Nittany Lions for the first time since graphic child sexual abuse allegations rocked the university and led to ... Penn State loses last home game amid child sex abuse scandal

NYC marks 10th anniversary of Flight 587 crash

NYC marks 10th anniversary of Flight 587 crash By DAVID B. CARUSO AP For a few anguished hours on Nov. 12, 2001, Americans still in shock over the Sept. 11 attacks watched television footage of the blazing wreckage of a jetliner bound for the Dominican Republic that had just crashed in a Queens ... NYC marks 10th anniversary of Flight 587 crash

Blindados da Marinha estão prontos para operar

Blindados da Marinha estão prontos para operar Os carros de combate da Marinha estão prontos para atuar a qualquer momento na ocupação das favelas da Rocinha e do Vidigal, prevista para começar nesta madrugada no Rio de Janeiro. No total, 18 blindados e 194 homens estão à disposição da Operação ... Blindados da Marinha estão prontos para operar


巴勒斯坦 安理会接纳新会员国委员会11日举行闭门磋商,通过了有关巴勒斯坦"入联"申请的报告,并已将此报告提交至安理会。 安理会纳新委员会由安理会15个理事国组成。葡萄牙常驻联合国代表、安理会本月轮值主席卡布拉尔没有透露 ... 巴勒斯坦"入联"申请提交安理会


多项扶持政策接连出台,中国农业银行应势创新金融服务——助小企业走出困境 "农行的"苹果贷款"真是及时雨,等公司收齐1500吨优质红富士,就可以利用贷款支付果农的卖果钱了。"山东省烟台市蓬莱联盛果蔬有限公司老板代高波一扫愁容,因为他刚刚从农行烟台分行贷到了1000万元的"苹果贷款"。 据介 ... 多项扶持政策接连出台,中国农业银行应势创新金融服务——助小企业走出困境

Sparťanské rezervě nepomohli k bodům ani Blažek s Brabcem. Druhé lize vládne Ústí

Sparťanské rezervě nepomohli k bodům ani Blažek s Brabcem. Druhé lize vládne Ústí Ústí nad Labem: R. Novák - Brunclík, Džuban, Dragoun, Benčík - Volek, Zachariáš, Martykán, Moulis - Veverka (84. Benda), Holek. Trenér: Habanec. Zlín: Kořínek - Jugas, Malý, Kubica, Jelínek - Motal (63. Bublák), Salachna, R. Dobeš, Šrom - Švach (82. ... Sparťanské rezervě nepomohli k bodům ani Blažek s Brabcem. Druhé lize vládne Ústí

독일서 반(反)월가 대규모 시위

독일서 반(反)월가 대규모 시위 [쿠키 지구촌] 베를린, 프랑크푸르크 등 독일 주요 도시 2곳에서 12일(현지시간) 은행들에 대한 반감을 표출하는 반(反)월가 시위가 대규모로 열렸다고 AP 통신이 보도했다. 프랑크푸르트 경찰은 이날 낮 도심에 있는 유럽중앙은행(ECB) 건물 주위에서 약 9000여명 ... 독일서 반(反)월가 대규모 시위

Após tropeço contra a Bolícia, Messi lamenta falta de apoio dos argentinos

Após tropeço contra a Bolícia, Messi lamenta falta de apoio dos argentinos O tropeço argentino diante da Bolívia, em Buenos Aires, pelas Eliminatórias da Copa 2014, parece ter pesado mais sobre os ombros de Lionel Messi. O meia-atacante, que atuando pelo Barcelona assegurou o título de melhor do mundo, não exibe o mesmo ... Após tropeço contra a Bolícia, Messi lamenta falta de apoio dos argentinos

Ny vc-seger för Alshammar

Ny vc-seger för Alshammar Therese Alshammar hade i princip redan säkrat världscuptiteln. Men det hindrade henne inte från att gå för fullt även under första dagen av världscupavslutningen i Tokyo. I lördagens finalpass blev det en seger och en tredjeplats för den svenska ... Ny vc-seger för Alshammar

A lazy, paint-by-numbers bore

A lazy, paint-by-numbers bore By Melissa Leong, Postmedia News November 11, 2011 In Jack and Jill, Adam Sandler's character, a Los Angeles advertising executive, puzzles over a fantastic feat: How do we get Al Pacino to appear in a Dunkin' Donuts commercial to promote the new ... A lazy, paint-by-numbers bore

Des Nouvelles d'Iran - Semaine 45-11

Des Nouvelles d'Iran - Semaine 45-11Nouvelles des Prisonniers. A-Transferts. Mohammad Seif Zadeh, professeur de droit emprisonné au bloc 350 d'Evine, hospitalisé. B- Arrestations/Incarcérations.Des Nouvelles d'Iran - Semaine 45-11

Italy braces for new govt, IMF warns Asia on euro fallout

Italy braces for new govt, IMF warns Asia on euro fallout Italy's parliament was set to approve austerity measures on Saturday, triggering the formation of an emergency government to replace that of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, and meeting European Union demands to avert a euro zone meltdown. appears to ... Italy braces for new govt, IMF warns Asia on euro fallout

Dominican Republic: Arroyo not seeking asylum

Dominican Republic: Arroyo not seeking asylum MANILA, Philippines - The foreign minister of the Dominican Republic has denied reports from Philippine officials that former President Gloria Arroyo sought political asylum there. In an interview with the Associated Press, Carlos Morales Troncoso said ... Dominican Republic: Arroyo not seeking asylum

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